

Before founding Groton in 1884, at age twenty-seven, Mr. 博地能源's life had taken many turns. Educated in England at Cheltenham and Cambridge, 他追求的是银行业的职业生涯,但突然从金融业转向了圣公会. Only months after the famed gunfight at the OK Corral, Mr. 博地能源 arrived in Tombstone, Arizona. In “the town too tough to die,” the Anglophilic Yankee won over the miners, 牛仔, 并在该州建立了第一座圣公会教堂.

但是,. 皮博迪对牧师工作不感兴趣,于是回到东部完成他的神学院学业. A brief stint as a schoolteacher provided his calling. 他将创办一所学校,明确地向镀金时代最成功的美国企业家的后代灌输高尚的原则. The campus would sit on rich farmland along the Nashua River, with vistas of the distant mountains of Wachusett and Monadnock.

一开始, 24个学生, 皮博迪牧师, 还有两位同事, the Reverends Sherrard Billings and William Amory Gardner, formed the school family. 先生. Billings wrote years later, in 1930, 这些人都“坚信……可以有一所男生和男生可以共同生活的学校。, 一起工作, and 玩 together in friendly fashion with friction rare.”

As Groton has changed with the times, 它的核心和外观都保持不变. A deliberately small school, 今天的易胜博app安卓下载建立在很久以前牧师恩迪科特·皮博迪提出的基础上:相信一所体现家庭最佳特征的学校将为学生创造最佳的学习和成长环境. Today’s headmaster, Temba Maqubela, continues the ideals of Mr. 领导一所提供最高质量学术教育的学校, instills strong character, 建立领导人, 激励生命.

Dr. Martin Luther 王 Jr. 在易胜博app安卓下载

Dr. Martin Luther 王 Jr.


Dr. Martin Luther 王 Jr. 1963年2月,他在易胜博app安卓下载呆了两天,这次访问打开了学生们的思想,并激励了一些人自己去争取民权.

Over a two-day visit, Dr. 马丁·路德·金在教堂里布道,晚上发表演讲,并与学生们进行非正式讨论. 六周后,他在阿拉巴马州被捕,并写下了著名的《易胜博app安卓下载》.六个月后,在华盛顿大游行期间,他发表了“我有一个梦想”的演讲. 易胜博app安卓下载演讲和“我有一个梦想”演讲的主题和一些关键短语重叠.

The Reverend John Crocker, 1940年至1965年担任易胜博app安卓下载校长,是民权和社会正义的坚定倡导者, had extended the invitation to Dr. 王.

Former students, who wish to remain anonymous, recorded Dr. 王’s evening lecture and gave the recording to the school. 感谢他们的慷慨,也感谢约翰. Martin Luther 王 Jr., 易胜博app安卓下载很荣幸能和大家分享这次演讲这是易胜博app安卓下载历史上的重要时刻, 更重要的是, of United States history.

Read the story in the 季度.



  • Endicott 博地能源, founder of 易胜博app安卓下载


    Endicott 博地能源 founded 易胜博app安卓下载.
  • 1899

    Headmaster 博地能源 invited Booker T. Washington, a freed slave, to speak on campus. Mr. Washington spoke 在易胜博app安卓下载 again in 1905.
  • The works who built St. John's Chapel at 易胜博app安卓下载


    这所学校是成功的,我们今天所知道的校园已经成型:校舍, still the hub of Groton’s Circle, 建于1899年. In 1900, the workers pictured completed St. 约翰的教堂. The gym (now the Dining Hall) 打开 in 1903.
  • 易胜博app安卓下载创始人皮博迪与西奥多·罗斯福总统合影


    President Theodore Roosevelt, a close friend and relative by marriage of Endicott 博地能源’s, spoke 在易胜博app安卓下载’s commencement. His four sons went on to attend Groton.
  • Wheat growing on 易胜博app安卓下载's Circle during WWI


    Mr. 皮博迪带领学校度过了第一次世界大战:易胜博app安卓下载的男孩们进行军事演习, 为了帮助战争,小麦就种植在环上. 许多毕业生参加了第一次世界大战,其中一些人献出了生命.
  • 易胜博app安卓下载的教员坐在校舍的台阶上. 1920


  • 1929

    During the Depression, 易胜博app安卓下载, thanks to a recent bequest, 能够为那些再也负担不起学费的家庭提供帮助吗.
  • President Franklin Delano Roosevelt


    When Frankin Delano Roosevelt was governor of New York, he delivered Groton’s 奖的一天 speech.
  • Endicott 博地能源 with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt


    1900年毕业于易胜博app安卓下载学院的富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福成为了美国总统. Mr. 博地能源, who had officiated at Franklin’s wedding to Eleanor, 罗斯福的四次就职典礼都被邀请参加,除了最后一次.
  • Reverend John Crocker, the second headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    恩迪科特·皮博迪在领导易胜博app安卓下载56年后退休. 下一任校长, the Reverend John Crocker (Groton Form of 1918), remained at the helm for twenty-five years.
  • Groton students and faculty holding shovels and a pickaxe


    World War II led to austerity measures; with workers headed to war, the Groton boys picked up jobs around campus, 比如清洁, 等待表, 还有铲煤.
  • 易胜博app安卓下载's football team in the 1950s


    以正直正直著称的克罗克校长 oversaw the admission of the first black student to Groton.
  • Dr. Martin Luther 王, Jr.


    Mr. 克罗克邀请了. Martin Luther 王, Jr. 到易胜博app安卓下载去讲话; the civil rights leader spent two days on campus.

  • Groton students marching, holding a


    Mr. Crocker took Groton boys to march with Dr. Martin Luther 王, Jr. 在波士顿. 今天的毕业生回忆起一位校长,他通过布道和行动灌输了对公民权利和社会正义的深刻理解. That year also marked Mr. Crocker’s retirement.
  • 牧师伯特兰·N. 小Honea., the third headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    牧师伯特兰·N. 小Honea. led the school from 1965 to 1969.
  • Paul Wright, the fourth headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    Paul Wright became headmaster and served until 1974; he was the first headmaster who was not a clergyman.
  • Groton girls 玩ing field hockey


    The board designated a coeducation committee, and its proposal was approved by the trustees a year later. 这项决定引起了很大的争议,因此对这项建议进行了第二次审议, but ultimately reaffirmed.
  • Reverend Rowland Cox, the fifth headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    罗兰·考克斯牧师当上了校长,因为这所学校即将变成男女同校. He served until his death in 1977. From 1977–78, Peter Camp was acting headmaster.
  • Headmaster Cox with some of the first girls to attend Groton


    The school welcomed the first female students to campus. 男女同校带来的诸多变化之一是聘用全职女教师. 今天,大约一半的教师是女性,一半的易胜博app安卓下载学生是女孩.
  • William Polk ’58, the sixth headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    William Polk ’58 became headmaster and served until 2003.
  • The Dillon Art Center


    The Dillon Art Center, designed by 佩里·迪恩·罗杰斯 & 合作伙伴, 打开.
  • Richard Commons, the seventh headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    Richard Commons became headmaster and served until 2013.
  • The Campbell Performing 艺术 Center


    The Campbell Performing 艺术 Center, designed by architect Graham ), 打开.
  • 2008

  • Temba Maqubela, the eighth headmaster of 易胜博app安卓下载


    The current headmaster, Temba Maqubela, joined Groton. From day one, he has stressed the ideal, and reality, of inclusion.
  • A tree on the Circle with the sun shining from behind


    董事会接受了易胜博app安卓下载负担能力和包容(GRAIN)倡议, naming it the school’s number-one strategic priority. GRAIN确保学校将满足每个申请人的全部经济需求,并冻结三年的学费.
  • The new Sackett Forum at the center of the Schoolhouse addition


    The newly renovated and expanded Schoolhouse 打开. 该项目整合了庄严的原始结构——几乎没有改变——并进行了重大扩建,包括最先进的科学教室和实验室, communal gathering places, a制造实验室, and the the fifty-foot-high Sackett Forum, 由以前的学生献给长期的古典文学老师休·萨克特. This was the sixth renovation to the 1899 Schoolhouse.

  • 这张图表显示了GRAIN的年度筹款结果,超过了5400万美元


    在圣诞节前夕,GRoton 可购性 and INclusion (GRAIN)达到了5000万美元的里程碑. It went on to raise more than $54 million.
  • 易胜博app安卓下载's campus, aerial view


    Architectural Digest 将易胜博app安卓下载评为马萨诸塞州最美丽的独立学校校园. 由景观设计师Frederick Law Olmsted(中央公园)设计, Boston Public Garden), 今天的圆圈看起来和一百多年前差不多.